
Centenarians is pronounced


U.S. Centenarian Statistics

Based on the 2010 figures, the United Nations believes there are about 316,000 centenarians worldwide.

The United States has the highest number of centenarians, about 97,000. The highest percentage of centenarians is in Japan. The region of the world that has the highest percentage is in Scandinavia. By the year 2050, it is predicted China will have the most by number.

North Dakota has the highest per capita rate in the U.S. with over three centenarians per every 10,000 persons. It’s believed there are about 550 centenarians in Oklahoma.

80% of all centenarians are women, 33% live alone, 25% are Veterans The percentage of centenarian men who lived with a family member or members is 44%. The most common setting for centenarian women is living in a nursing home (35%).

A person who lives to make it to age 110 is called a supercentenarian and only one out of every 1000 centenarians reaches 110.



The oldest known supercentenarian living in America is Elizabeth Francis, who lives in Texas and was born on July 25, 1909.


Tomiko Itooka is the oldest validated living person in the world. She was born on 23 May 1908. 

Oklahoma’s Centenarian Statistics

The population of OK is just over 3.5 million. 550/3,500,000=5.5/35,000.  This means there is 1 centenarian for every 7,143 people in our state.

Our oldest known living man in Oklahoma is Prabhakar Dhotrekar of Stillwater; date of birth February 5, 1919.

Our oldest known living woman in Oklahoma is SUPERCENTENARIAN Fannie Jones of Oklahoma City was born on August 21, 1913.

SUPERCENTENARIAN Lois Boston, formerly of Guymon, now lives in Kansas, was born on May 10, 1913. SUPERCENTENARIAN Lois Wooten of Midwest City was born May 5, 1924. SUPERCENTENARIAN Viola Ford Fletcher formerly of Tulsa, now lives in Texas, was born on May 10, 1924.

We have honored four living centenarians with six generation families: Viola Fletcher, Jannetta Walls, Phyllis White and Iceola Scott.

In modern times, our oldest supercentenarian died in 2015 at the age of 114. Ora Holland lived in Tulsa most of her life, moving to OKC for the last four years.

We currently have about 300 living inducted centenarians in the state. We would like to double that number! Please let us know of anyone approaching or over the age of 100.

Centenarians of Oklahoma Statistics

There are believed to be 400-500 centenarians living in Oklahoma. On average, there are about 300 living centenarians in Oklahoma that we have honored. Additionally, there are about 50 other centenarians that we are attempting to locate, recognize, and honor.

To date, over 3000, centenarians have been honored in the state. The historical records of these people are in Tulsa, currently in the offices of Centenarians of Oklahoma. Once a Centenarian passes, their records are filed at the Oklahoma Historical Society in Oklahoma City. Boston University has recognized our program as the only one in the United States, and this is all possible due to the efforts of volunteers and donations.

It is our intent to grow the program by honoring more than 125 centenarians in 2024, and greater numbers in years after that. Toward that goal, we will add additional people to our volunteer group, as needed.

Our continued success is made possible with the support of our donors…

The work performed through the Centenarians of Oklahoma could not happen without generous supporters like you.

We operate by volunteers and donations while providing this special honor to our “Golden Okies”.

Thank you for your continued support.